QS – New Denim Header

Sometime last week (I forget) I launched the Quiksilver Denim Header.  The project features 30+ jeans organized horizontally and allows the user to sort through each one.

We decided to feature only the center jean, and we dim out the others. You can shop by individual fit or style as a whole.

We created a photo gallery and video for this as well.

To have animation times manageable, I calculate the distance between the current jean and the new jean. If the distance is pretty big, i’ll scroll quickly.  If its relatively close (within 4 jeans), i slow it down just a tad.  The end all result is fluid throughout.

Production URL: http://www.quiksilver.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2978679

Local Copy URL: http://jameskusachi.com/code/qs12_denim_0628/